La vaca de las tierras altas es una raza bovina autóctona de las Tierras Altas de Escocia.

Posee un característico pelaje largo y de color más o menos rojizo.

Hairy Hettie es la protagonista de diversos cuentos escoceses que vamos a ir viendo en clase.

Hettie the Highland cow has lots of hair to keep her warm and cosy. But other animals want to be cosy, too... In springtime, two blackbirds stop by and build their nest in Hettie's hair. She's a cow not a hedge! 

In summertime, butterflies lay their eggs in Hettie's fur, and they grow into wriggling caterpillars.
In autumn, a squirrel burrows into her fur to hibernate. 
And in winter, a mountain hare hops aboard, too! Poor Hettie. She's a cow, not a hairy hotel! Maybe it’s time for a haircut... 

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